Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Health Check Day

Dragon Boat Festival Day. Tiger was brought to the vet in a carton box. Staff in the clinic was happy to find that its weight has increased to 0.6 kg, i.e. 3 times as heavy as it was. Health is fine but some treatments are to continue:
1. For ear - cleansing using Oridermyl every two days for two weeks
2. For flea prevention - second application of 6% Selamectin solution on skin
3. For parasites prevention - intake of 0.3 cc Panacur daily for 3 days

At the same time, Mau B also used 10% Fipronil solution (the famous Frontline) as a cautionary measure.

After the treatments, I separate them so they won't lick the somehow toxic flea medication applied.

BTW, I forgot to ask the vet to check Tiger's sex. (How could I??). I still think it is a she. I'll make sure I ask in the next visit.

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