Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How do they get along?

Very close and friendly? Seems but not actually or always. There are times they get really rough with each other. Mau B acts sometimes quite motherly and sometimes beasty. Tiger is no easy victim either, as you can see. When it is losing, Tiger may yell for our intervention. I won't say it is domestic violence but more or less their nature. Nevertheless, they continue to stick together. Posted by Picasa


At May 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sweet scenes and it recalls the memories of my little ones!!! It's a bliss for Tiger to get a warm home, responsible owners and compatible companion. Do treasure the happy time brought by energetic kitten like Tiger and wished that he / she would grow up healthy and cheerful. By the way, Mau B appears to enjoy this Tiger gift U brought into her life!! Helen :)


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