Monday, April 23, 2007

Tiger Injured (WARNING - Very Ugly Photos Inside)

It was 23/4/07. At first, Tiger's right face was slightly swollen. She looked dull and had poor appetite. Very soon, the swelling got worse. She was suffering but could not express it.

Examination by the vet revealed a wound in her face. It was suspected that Tiger was bitten or hurt by other animals in fighting. Mau B was the only suspect but it was unlikely. A couple of weeks ago, a centipede came into our home. Tiger and Mau B found it and tried to catch it. I wondered if Tiger was hurt by the centipede then. But she showed no symptom of injury for almost 10 days.

As Tiger could not eat, she was on drip and stayed in the clinic. An antibiotics was used and testing for bacteria infection was done. We were told that if the swelling was controlled, Tiger might go home the following day.

On 24/4/07, the swelling remains. Tiger looked tired and lack of energy. She could not go home. Another antibiotics was used.

On 25/4/07, the swelling was gone. Tiger looked better. The bacteria was Staphylococcus Aureus (金黃葡萄球菌)。

How Tiger was hurt remained a mystery. A colleague believed Tiger had protected us from the centipede anyway.

The following pictures aren't pretty. You are warned.


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